Work slowed down a bit on Chapter III lately, due to other projects with a more demanding deadline. Work is still happening though, mapping out the scenes, the...
Definitely bossing around Homura is from management. You did not think all your kinky actions go unnoticed, did you. She is the last one of the quartet, and she...
Chapter II is just released. Exactly a year has passed since the first post of Lockdown, and I am glad we made this far. Hundreds of hours spent on this project...
The girls insisted on a Christmas Special , so, there it is. Kazane , Hana and Kairi , in full-speed Christmas mode. A few words on progress... Chapter II is al...
Hana joins playtesting to speed things up Update on Chapter II November is almost over, but the balancing and playtesting is not yet done. All the scenes are re...
Hana , Kairi and Kazane were really into making some postcard material for the fans out there, so, here it comes. Who is your favorite witch for the night?...
Shower scene reshoots with Kazane Another update on Chapter II Closing up the narrative, there are over 160 scenes now in Chapter II . (A scene means either a p...
Kairi is wearing a kimono for the secret files shooting Progress on Chapter II Development is slowly moving forward. All 20 secret files planned for this chapte...